Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Possible Changes to SSDI

If you've read much of what I write, you'll know I am an advocate for getting off of disability insurance, if at all possible, and gaining productive employment.  Only meaningful work and love can truly cure.

Social Security Disability Income and Supplemental Income have been in place a very long time, and have helped many people with severe mental illness have the financial cushion to stabilize and eventually re-enter employment, or live independently if re-entry to the workforce is not possible.

Unfortunately, fraud is common and not many people ever come off of SSDI once they get on it.

I applaud efforts to help people return to work, but I realize that changes made to the system can be disruptive to those on disability coverage who may not ever be able to work.  A change that will disrupt the system is at hand, as the current administration may enforce a new regulation that creates a new category of disability and requires more frequent re-assesments of disability of tens of thousands of people currently covered by SSDI  and SSI.

Some people will see this change as a tragedy enforced against the most needy, and some will see it as a positive step toward ending the lifetime trap of dependence.  An article that pretty clearly describes the changes, and has links to more details, can be found here.

Read it and decide for yourself, or if you're currently on SSDI or SSI, be informed of possible changes coming.

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