Monday, June 18, 2012

Responsibility and Compliance

One of the most difficult challenges to overcome when dealing with a mental illness is the temptation of the excuse.  With a psychiatric diagnosis comes an excuse for everything.  Any bad behavior, lack of motivation, or failure can be passed off as a symptom or the result of an episode.  The excuse is always available.  Don't take it.

No one's asking you to take responsibility for having a mental illness.  That's not your fault.  But you have to take responsibility for your actions.  Sure, unexpected things happen as a result of a serious mental illness, but most of our behavior is within our control, or at least our influence.  And the behavior that most influences our wellness is compliance.

If you have a treatment regimen that works, stick with it.  If you had one and left it, get back on it.  While many of us bemoan the fact that we'll never be well, treatment success rates for mental illness are very high.  The National Institute of Mental Health has shown success rates for treatment for schizophrenia of 60%, depression, 70 - 80%, and panic disorder, 70 - 90%.  Compare this to treatment success rates for heart disease of only 45 - 50%.  But treatment only works if the patient complies with the doctor's orders.  So take your medicine as directed, stay away from non-prescribed drugs and alcohol, exercise, sleep, and eat well.  Manage stress.  Chances are you will get better.  But you'll lose your excuse.  Then you'll have to start taking responsibility for your actions.

Responsibility brings a sense of control.  This is important because if I feel I have control over key aspects of my life, I am most destined for success and well-being.  If all things that happen to me, or if my very own behavior, is beyond my control, why should I bother?  But if prescribed treatment brings me a measure of control over events and my behavior, then I can positively influence what happens to me and those I love.  I'll have to get out of bed, get off the disability insurance, go to work, and suffer the challenges everyone faces.  Life may even be a bit more boring.  But I can contribute, connect with others, and work toward dreams I may have long ago abandoned.  Yes, this can be very hard.  I may have to deal with side effects and limitations.  I may have to say no when I want to say yes.  And compliance can be costly.  But wellness is possible.

Unfortunately, access to treatment is not available to everyone.  Finding a correct diagnosis and a successful treatment regimen can take years.  But if you have access to treatment you have a responsibility to work with doctors, counselors, social workers, and any family and friends available to help you to find a successful treatment regimen.  And then you have a responsibility to stick with it.  Health can be more challenging than illness, but the life that results is always more satisfying.

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